Monthly Archives: September 2013

WFilter 4.1 version is coming.

Finally, WFilter 4.1 version is coming to the beta testing after two years of development. Now let me show you the exciting new features in this new version.

1. More deployment solutions

More deployment solutions are added, especially for wifi networks. We also added solutions to monitor by mac address in multiple segments networks. In WFilter 4.0 version, only “by ip address” mode is supported, the new version will retrieve mac address information from your core switch via SNMP.

2. More monitored content

Added support for ip protocols and ip fragment. For web monitoring, WFilter new version will record browser type(userAgent) as well.

3. Faster UI speed

We adopted fastcgi technology in the new 4.1 version, which makes great improvement on UI loading speed. Monitoring performance is also improved.

4. New UI design

Added “common” menu for you to define common used menus, so you can open a page within one click.

We also re-designed the “online computers” page.

5. New “Protocols” system

With this “protocols” system, you can download and share protocols within a few clicks. You will never have the pain to configure new protocols any more.

6. New “Plugins” system

We integrated a set of tools for network monitoring and management, which is still growing. You can get plugins for network discovery, wfilter management and other related features.

7. New “web content push” feature

This feature enables you to push web content without a real blocking. You can define time interval, web push triggers for this content to appear regular in client computers.

8. More flexible policy settings

With the last version, it’s easier to assign policy for new detected devices, and set default OU policy for new detected AD users.

New version downloading URL: WFilter 4.1

Please notice: WFilter 4.1 version is still in beta testing, and some features are not fully tested. This version is only for preview and testing purpose. So if you already have a stable WFilter 4.0 running, it’s not wise to replace it with this beta version.

Turn your PC into a Wi-Fi HotSpot to deploy WFilter internet monitoring

This document decribes a new deployment of WFilter in a wireless network. The solution is to turn the wfilter computer into a wifi hotspot. So wfilter can monitor wifi clients using this hotspot.

Please notice: this solution uses the wireless adapter of the wfilter computer to share internet connections, its wifi signal might not be so strong as your wireless router.

1. Network Topology

2. Creating Wi-Fi HotSpot

Please check below steps to creating wi-fi hotspot in win8 enterprise. The detailed steps might be different in other windows versions.

1). This desktop has a wireless adapter.

2). Run “cmd” as Administrator. Enter the following command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Test key=password

This command in below figure will create a wireless access-point with SSID of “Test” , key of “12345678″. You can modify the “ssid” and “key” as you want.

3). Run the following command to start wifi hotspot.

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

4). Now you will see a new microsoft hosted network virtual adapter.

5). Open your wifi’s property to enable internet connection sharing to the virtual adapter.

Now you shall be able to see the new wifi hotspot in mobile devices. Clients using this hotspot can be monitored by wfilter.

There are several other ways to create a wifi hotspot, you may do it in a way you like.

3. Setup WFilter

1). Run “Configuration Wizard” in “Help” of WFilter

2). Choose “pass-by mode”, set the wireless adapter as the “monitoring adapter” and “blocking adapter”, check “this adapter is wireless”.

3). Next until finish. Now you’re able to monitor connected wifi clients.